Digital Marketing Trends – Four, Five, Six

 In Concepts, Creative, Markets

We are bombarded with new marketing tools and tactics every day. It’s hard to distinguish what’s important for our business from the latest trend, trick to tool. Below is a list of the latest, greatest and hottest trends for small, mid and large businesses. The most important thing about marketing is defining your audience, establishing the goal of your marketing and being consistent with the marketing tactics you select.

Here’s the second three in the 11-item list.

4. Responsive Design
Websites created with responsive design are created for optimal viewing—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices – such as your phone, tablet or desktop. Over 90% of Americans have phones, and responsive design allows those phones to see your site.

5. Content is still the King.
You can have the most whiz-bang site, but if you don’t have fresh content, it’s not going to be indexed by the search engines. Fresh content on your homepage in the form of events, a blog or video offers the opportunity for your site to be found. Think captivate, concise a call to action. Make sure your content is always R.I.T.E.: Relevant, Interesting. Timely. Entertaining.
Check out LinkedIn:

6. The Immersive experience.
Basically, allowing online users to actually participate in the content itself is considered an immersive experience. And the driving force behind these immersive experiences is innovative streaming. Streaming ensures that your video plays immediately and smoothly when online users demand it, which plays a crucial role in making the experience immersive. Call it Gamification or Web-based robotics.

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