Digital Marketing Trends – One, Two, Three …

 In Concepts, Creative, Design, Markets

We are bombarded with new marketing tools and tactics every day. It’s hard to distinguish what’s important for our business from the latest trend, trick to tool. Below is a list of the latest, greatest and hottest trends for small, mid and large businesses. The most important thing about marketing is defining your audience, establishing the goal of your marketing and being consistent with the marketing tactics you select.

Here’s the first three in the 11-item list.

1. Pay to Play.
It’s projected that 80% of businesses will pay for advertising on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in 2014. Facebook has changed its news feed algorithm to hurt organic reach. Twitter is a public company that must drive revenues. Google+ has introduced ads. Follower ads and sponsored ads are taking the place of PPC due to the “visual” nature of these ads and the targeted reach of the followers. Did you know that only 8% of your organic posts on Facebook are actually seen by your followers? That’s why if FB is in your marketing mix, having a sponsored ad running could be important ROI.

2. Interactive Video
We’re in the early days of interactive video, but it won’t be long before just about every clip you watch will include features that allow you to roll over items to buy, share or simply learn more about. Using a proprietary algorithm to identify and track people and objects throughout the video, the Interactive Media model creates item-level interaction in every frame. Fuisz Media is a big player in this space.

3. Mobile.

Yes. You know it’s true. You can’t live without your phone or tablet. Well, neither can anyone else. That’s why mobile advertising offers such a big opportunity. Total advertising spending in the U.S. will increase 5.3% to reach $180.12 billion for 2014, the largest percent increase since ad spending rose 6.7% in 2004, according to eMarketer. (The projected 83% increase in mobile advertising spending will push that category to more than 10% of the total spend, ranking mobile ahead of newspapers, magazine and radio ads for the first time) Make sure your Websites landing page is optimized for mobile – use Responsive Design to ensure you are seen across any platform, too.

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