Digital Marketing Trends – Ten and Bonus! Eleven.
We are bombarded with new marketing tools and tactics every day. It’s hard to distinguish what’s important for our business from the latest trend, trick to tool. Below is a list of the latest, greatest and hottest trends for small, mid and large businesses. The most important thing about marketing is defining your audience, establishing the goal of your marketing and being consistent with the marketing tactics you select.
Here’s the list for ten and our bonus eleven…
10. Enhanced Video Direct Marketing
Audio video players that can be incorporated into traditional print mailers. These are highly effective in a tiered campaign. Maybe the first piece you send is a traditional letter. The second is tickler or teaser. And the third piece is an actual video embedded into your print marketing. People love watching video and getting a video to play on a printed piece of paper (with a player) is mind-blowing. The rate of return on these marketing tactics can be phenomenal.
BONUS CATEGORY. We all like freebies.
11. Spongecell Advertising
“What is Spongecell” you say? It’s a company with an approach to transforming standard banner ads into dynamic flash ads with rich media-like functionality. Campaigns are scalable, dynamic and interactive. It looks like an ad, but they can tie direct to your social media, call to action or an interactive map.
Check them out:
I hope you’ve enjoyed Digital Marketing Trends for 2014. We can help you catch up on your marketing for the remainder of 2014. Give us a shout at 972-390-7410 or send us a note at